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Removal of misc is a sign of things to come and it’s not good!

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Removal of misc is a sign of things to come and it’s not good! Empty Removal of misc is a sign of things to come and it’s not good!

Post by Basedbaby! Fri 20 Sep 2024 - 6:18

They are trying to take away any semblance of based communities online they want it to be nothing but Reddit phags poisoning the minds of todays youth with there liberal bullshit and there cuck drivel. Same way they are getting rid of every actually funny tv show are we really just gonna sit back and let the wlitist fucks ruin everything that is based?

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Removal of misc is a sign of things to come and it’s not good! Empty Re: Removal of misc is a sign of things to come and it’s not good!

Post by wickedsmaht Fri 20 Sep 2024 - 6:25

they will certaily lose their demographic of african american butthole pheromone seekers

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